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At, we’re more than just sellers of pine nuts—we’re stewards of the land. We care deeply about the environment and the communities that depend on the forests of the American Southwest. That’s why we are committed to ensuring that our pine nuts are harvested ethically and sustainably.

Sustainability at the Core Pine nuts are a natural treasure, and preserving the forests where they grow is essential. Our pine nuts, whether the soft-shell Nevada variety or the hard-shell New Mexico Piñon, are harvested using methods that protect the environment. We work closely with local harvesters who use traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations.

Supporting Local Communities By purchasing pine nuts from, you’re not only getting a top-quality product—you’re also supporting the livelihoods of local communities in Nevada and New Mexico. The harvesters we work with rely on the pine nut season for their income, and our commitment to ethical sourcing ensures they receive fair compensation for their work.

Protecting Wildlife and Forests Ethical harvesting practices also mean we’re committed to protecting the wildlife and forests where pine nuts grow. Overharvesting can lead to deforestation and loss of habitat for wildlife. That’s why we carefully monitor the amount of pine nuts collected each season to ensure that the forests remain healthy and productive for years to come.

Conclusion When you choose, you’re choosing more than just fresh, delicious pine nuts—you’re choosing to support sustainable practices that protect our environment and support local communities. It’s a choice you can feel good about.